Monday, September 24, 2007

Lift Like a Girl

People ask me all the time how I lost all my weight. Specifically women. They look at me all wide eyed, ready to hear what magic diet or pill helped me get from lumpy, over weight and lazy to lean, energetic and confident. I start to talk about High Intensity Interval Training and lifting heavy weights and their eyes start to glaze over. The look of disappointment is evident. I know they're thinking, "I actually have to work hard?" "Build muscle?" "No way do I want to look like Schwarzenegger's twin sister!"

I swear I'm not making it up! You want to be lean, strong, healthy? You want to loose weight, look good in clothes and have tons of energy? Guess what?! An hour of walking on the treadmill isn't going to get you there. If you have sufficient enough weight to loose it's a great place to start. But if you truly want to remake the way your body looks, ain't nothing going to do it like lifting a lot of iron, ladies!
Check out what Jason Ferruggia has to say on the subject of women lifting weights.

Proof of what lifting can do fo you!


Christine said...

Sister you look fantastic! You go!

Anonymous said...

I fucking LOVE lifting weights!!!!

I still can not believe how you completely transformed your body.

I miss you and hope all is well

Pamela said...

I love your story!! Good for you :). You may want to check out ellasport ( for workout apparel, including a really cute workout skirt. It's a new line of women's atheltic apparel that agrees with your kick-butt-while-still-being-a-girl way of thinking. I think you'll really like it :).

Keep up the great work!!
